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Declaration of conformity

Porsche 911 Soundbar 2.0

Porsche 911 Soundbar 2.0 Pro

Porsche Design 911 Soundbar

Pro X.3

Reference Sub 50 K

Smart A 25

Smart A 45

Smart A 45 BS

Smart A 45 CS

Smart Amp 5.1

Smart Connect 5.1

Smart GLE 3 S2

Smart GLE 5 S2

Smart GLE 9 S2

Smart Reference 5 K

Smart Soundbar 9

Smart Soundbar 10

Smart Soundbox 3

Smart Sounddeck 100

Smart Sub 8

Smart Sub 10

Smart Sub 12

Smart Townus 2

Smart Townus 8

Smart Vento 3 S2

Smart Vento 5 S2

Smart Vento 9 S2

Sub 500 R

Sub 1500 R