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Visit us
At the Canton factory in Weilrod

We invite you to visit us in Weilrod. In our two acoustically optimised listening studios, you can listen to your Canton dream speakers to your heart's content and with expert advice.

Listening Rooms
At the Canton Factory Weilrod

One of our employees will personally introduce you to the large Canton product range and will be happy to answer any questions you may have. In a relaxed atmosphere and with a good cup of coffee, you can objectively compare speakers in our stereo or home cinema studios.

The listening rooms are equipped with high-quality electronic components and the excellent cables from Inakustik. Our speakers are up to any task - so your visit to us will be an exciting sound experience.

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An extrordinary
Listening Experience

To try out our speakers, your consultant will provide you with an extensive selection of music tracks for your test. You are welcome to bring your own test material in the form of CDs or DVDs, which you hand over to your consultant at the beginning of the listening test. To ensure that your visit with us remains a pleasant memory, we take as much time as possible to provide you with comprehensive advice. If one of our studios is busy at peak times, there may be a short wait despite the appointment.